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Professional Stain Removal in Newbury, Berkshire
Nearly every week we attend a customer’s home where other Newbury carpet cleaners have attempted and failed to remove carpet stains and not met the customer requirements. Usually they have just tried every chemical they have in the van, until finally giving up having made the stain worse. Green 4 Carpet Cleaning have years and years of training and experience, there really isn’t much we can’t get out of a carpet, and one thing’s for sure, if we can’t get a stain out no-one can.
Carpet Stain Protection
Green 4 Carpet & Upholstery Cleaning advises all of our customers that the best way to deal with stains is to protect against them. We do this by applying a protector in the form of resin, which makes your carpet non-absorbent. This gives us a far higher success rate when removing stains that would usually permanently damage your carpet.
Difficult Stain Removal
Occasionally, we come across a stain that will never come out. Usually, things like curry, because it contains turmeric, and some colourings used in drinks, but we have the experience and expertise to remove stains if they can be removed, and if your carpet was previously stain protected, there’s a much higher chance that we can remove the stain. Having meticulously and methodically studied the science behind stain removal, we regularly remove stains where other carpet cleaners fail.

Free Carpet Stain Removal
At Green 4 Carpeting & Upholstery, we reward our regular customers with free stain removals in between cleans. This is just a small service we provide to say thank you and ensure that your carpets remain clean all year round. Please ask one of our friendly staff for full details when we come over to clean your carpets, rugs, or upholstery.
We can also offer our customers advice on removing stains using everyday products you may have in your home.
A ‘heads Up’ For Our Customers
Most shop-bought carpet cleaning stain removers, like Vanish, Shout, and 1001, may contain brightening agents, another word for bleach. Applying it to a stain can give the appearance that it is gone; however, you have to remove whatever has caused the stain, not just spray a stain remover.
These stain removal products will probably leave a sticky residue on your carpet that attracts dirt. After using one of these products, you may well find that the stain goes black over a period of weeks. This is because dust and dirt are sticking to the chemical residue.
Also, because some products may contain brightening agents, a bleach mark is usually revealed when we come over to remove the attracted dirt and dust professionally.
It can sometimes be reversed, but in most cases, it removes the colour from the carpet.
Never apply anything to your carpet you don’t intend to extract fully unless we advise you to.